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The content and design of all material published by Cobos is created in the Netherlands by Krijn Koetsveld and the webmaster Geert Jan Kraan.

According to Dutch law the intellectual ownership (copyright) of all material published by Cobos belongs to them, each for the part they have developed themselves. Other people don’t have any right to copy or reproduce any of this material without permission of the owners.

Copyright reserve

Copyright reserve applies to content en design of these websites, published by Cobos: Cobos,and Shekinah. Copyright reserve also applies to content and design of the Cobos Newsletters, both electronically and printed versions and to the content and design of each and every material, published in any form or by any means. Starting point is that there is no permission and nu right to copy, reproduce or use the material, published by Cobos.  

Permission to use, reproduce or copy

Written permission by the owner is necessary before copying, using, reproducing and/or distributing any (parts) of the content and design is allowed. To consult if copying and use is possible, please contact Krijn Koetsveld. Please mention exactly the text or part you want to copy, or give a clear reference to that part. Also the reason why you want to use the material, and where and when you’d like to use it, must be mentioned.


To link and to refer to pages of the websites of Cobos is admitted in principle. Cobos, for this: Krijn Koetsveld, likes to be informed in advance. Using, copying and reproducing of the names Cobos, Shekinah and/or titles of articles, in the way this is published by Cobos without written permission is prohibited.

Copyright submitted material

Anyone, being a person or organization, that submits material for advertisements and participants, submitting letters or e-mails to be published, regarding feedback to events organized by Cobos, preserve their copyright. By submitting and after consultation unlimited permission is given to publish these contributions in the publication that are agreed upon, in print, electronically, in databanks and other files.

Check also our privacy policy.


Cobos does not accept any liability for the content and design of all its publications in all ways it is distributed.